The STAR of All Stars
Since man’s advancement in the respective sciences have been such a slow process—particularly in the publishing of magazines that compares and contrasts human beings in their eloquent looks, abilities and accomplishments achieved through the doors of research laboratories—it nevertheless prevented Christ from becoming a participant in the billboard chart of a well reputed sports magazine. Not because He is not worthy to be stamped as the greatest man of all times but it occurs by the works of the Holy Spirit who suppressed the pride of the magazine’s chief executive while also using it as a another medium by which the name of JESUS has been lifted up in order to serve as a testimony even unto the most atheistic mind.
If most of the current magazines were already in circulation during the first century era, Christ would have been the most effortlessly published human being of all centuries. HE would have been the top contender as:
The incomparable superhuman in SUPERhuman
The most bizarre prophet in Twilight Zone
The man who walked through the most villages [National Geographic]
In "Archaeology" as HE whose bones cannot be dug out of the ground because HE outlived the “Second Death.”
The unfailing healer who healed without ever making a diagnostic of HIS patients [Modern Medicine]
[SCIENCE] HE whose body overcame all types of viruses, bacteria and never suffered from high blood pressure, anemia, amnesia, diabetes, seizures, epilepsy etc.
The “seed of David” in [SEED]
The “Master Builder and Light” of the World in [COSMOS]
The man with the best handwriting in [Arts & Science] John 8:6 “But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground.”
The man who was taken to heaven without the use of a spaceship [NASA]
The man who never dressed up [GQ]
The man who split the red sea and walked on water in [SEA HISTORY]
The wealthiest man with no bank account who withdrew money from the mouth of a fish. [FORTUNE]
The greatest preacher who never wrote down HIS sermons [Preaching]
The greatest lawyer who never took the “bar exam” [THE LAWYER]
The greatest teacher who never attended college [TEACHER]
The greatest lover of the entire human race (righteous and wicked) [LOVE]
The man who never wore any make up nor jewelry [Absolute Cosmetics]
In our last category, we would think that Our Savior would appear as the most fit athlete however, discover for yourself what placed HIM at the top of the charts.The following compilation includes people from various avenues within the different spectrum of contribution and stardom. This list is found within the pages of the November 2001 issue:
10 Elvis Presley, 1968
Following years of making schlocky movies, the King wows fans and critics with an electrifying live 1968 TV special, Elvis on NBC
9 Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1929
After quitting academia to teach primary school and to labor as a gardner, he returns to Cambridge University to
begin Philosophical Investigations, the seminal work of 20th-century Anglo-American philosophy.
8 Go-go boots, 2000
Three decades after their kicky heyday, the knee-high footwear stages a surprising fashion revival.
7 Harry Truman , 1948
Trailing in the polls by a wide margin for most of the presidential campaign, he turns the Chicago Tribune's DEWEY DEFEATS
TRUMAN edition into a future treasure on eBay .
6 Humanity, 14th century
After 25 million Europeans perish, mankind surges back from the Black Death.
5 Muhammad Ali, 1974
Seven years after being stripped of his title and his boxing license, the Greatest KO's George Foreman in Zaire to win back
the belt.
4 John Travolta, 1994
Defibrillates his comatose movie career by taking a star turn in Pulp Fiction.
3 Michael Jordan, 1995
Quits baseball to make first triumphant comeback.
2 Japan and, 1950s
Former Axis powers rise from the ashes of World War II to become industrial superpowers.
1 Jesus Christ, 33 A.D.
Defies critics and stuns the Romans with his resurrection.
P.S. Whether you are eating, drinking, singing, preaching, whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God. Live today as if it was the last day you will live for and in Christ.
Whether you are eating, drinking, singing, preaching, whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God. Live today as if it was the last day you will live for and in Christ.