This topic, as heard of and analyzed by many for decades, has gone undetected by its believers as the greatest tool used by the one who is determined to present God as non-existent. Evolution is trademarked by the devil, published by Charles Darwin, elaborated by Richard Dawkins, exposed and promoted by its believers. [Notice how I purposefully used the term ‘believers’]. The purpose of this ‘Word of Life’ is to not only demolish the evolution theory but to also demonstrate that it takes faith [yes, ‘faith’] for one to accept its concept.
For hundreds of years, there have been numerous written and spoken heated debates as it relates to the origin of the world. This disagreement and diversity of beliefs (notice my intentional use of the word ‘belief’ as I will gradually center the subject upon it) results from one’s rejection of the Law of the Eternal God. Evolution is in direct contrast with God’s impeccable and irrefutable 7-day creation. God’s number one enemy, the father of all lies, has cleverly implemented the evolution concept into the wine of the ‘Prostitute’ that has been seducing earth’s inhabitants (Revelation 14:8).
Confusion is at its best when a religious institution, as widely known as Catholicism, supports the evolution theory. If the Catholics (known to be creationist—I suppose) would take the time to dig from the bag of their former role model they would trample on a statement of the late Pope John Paul II that would deeply provoke their minds in relation to their Church unclaimed belief.
“October 22, 1996, in a message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope John Paul II acknowledged the significance of the mainstream theory of evolution. But his overall tone was cautious. And that evolution was now "more than just a hypothesis,"[1] as he was widely reported to have said, is possibly a mistranslation[2] of "more than one hypothesis". In any case the Pope went on to say, "Rather than the theory of evolution, we should speak of several theories of evolution."[3]
Such unreserved statement, among many others, has caused Brig Klyce to publish that “evolution is now accepted as a fact by science and is becoming accepted by the Catholic Church.”[4] Confusion is at its best.
Both kingdoms (God’s and Satan’s) are making use of human beings to convey their respective laws and doctrines. Just as God uses messengers the devil has made use of special envoys. In order to meticulously expose the building blocks of evolution he ahs chosen a very much talked about individual. His name is none other than Charles Darwin. Whether it is God’s doctrines or the devil’s doctrines, it takes faith to accept either one.
The Bible has been put together and given to a generation who did not see Jesus walk the earth, preach the lost, heal the sick, resurrect the dead nor has it seen the birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of the Savior of humanity. All who believe in the ‘I AM’ do so through faith and not by proof.
Evolution is believed by a generation who is unable to reproduce a step by step development of any specie present on earth. All those who support the evolution theory do so by faith as well. No one has seen a monkey in the process of given birth to a human being. Let’s take that even further. Even the imaginary person whom Darwin claimed was the one to be born of a monkey did not witness his own birth (silly thought!). By the way, in order for evolution to stand it would have to explain two separate births. Why? That same monkey would have to give birth first to a man then to a woman or vice versa, unless that monkey was carrying twins (LOL).
Whoever thinks that evolution is the truth is drinking a big gulp of the greatest deception. If a scientist happens to be one of those believers he should immediately return his diploma and confess that he was blinded by a senseless theory because of his desire to reject the existence of God. I would like to present a simple contradiction within the scientific realm that strengthens the preceding sentence. May you be the judge!
“The second law of thermodynamics, which is accepted as one of the basic laws of physics, holds that under normal conditions all systems left on their own tend to become disordered, dispersed, and corrupted in direct relation to the amount of time that passes. Everything, whether living or not wears out, deteriorates, decays, disintegrates, and is destroyed. This is the absolute end that all beings will face one way or another, and according to the law, the process cannot be avoided.
This is something that all of us have observed. For example if you take a car to a desert and leave it there, you would hardly expect to find it in a better condition when you came back years later. On the contrary, you would see that its tires had gone flat, its windows had been broken, its chassis had rusted, and its engine had stopped working. The same inevitable process holds true for living things.
This famous law of physics is also known as "the law of entropy". In physics, entropy is the measure of the disorder of a system. The law of entropy holds that the entire universe is unavoidably proceeding towards a more disordered, unplanned, and disorganized state.
The truth of the second law of thermodynamics, or the law of entropy, has been experimentally and theoretically established. All foremost scientists agree that the law of entropy will remain the principle paradigm for the foreseeable future. Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of our age, described it as the ‘premier law of all of science’. Sir Arthur Eddington also referred to it as the ‘supreme metaphysical law of the entire universe’.
Evolutionary theory ignores this fundamental law of physics. The mechanism offered by evolution totally contradicts the second law.”[5]
Based on this principle, if a scientist strongly argues in favor of evolution he needs to review this second law of thermodynamics then allow His Creator to speak to his heart about his true origin. It is never too late for any man to recognize that the Word of the Living God is the only printed material that can make sense about the origin of all species. What stronger words can be read or heard: “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Genesis 1:1. It is not a coincidence that this verse was part of a special message sent by the crew of Apollo 8 to everyone back on earth. What a testimony!
“In The God Delusion , Dawkins presents his central argument against the existence of God in the fourth chapter. His thinking goes something like this: The universe is a complex thing. Therefore the God of the Christians, who, Christians say, made the universe, must be at least as complex as the universe God made. Therefore we are left with an even bigger problem than before: Who made this ultra-complex God? A hyper-complex megaGod?”[6]
Man’s mind has been so well conditioned by its respective society, culture, and tradition by the processes of reason and logic that the inexplicable becomes, by default, non-existent. It is as such that man has sadly fallen prey to one of many deceptions of the evil one.
It is necessary to deeply analyze Dawkins’ statement and question the lack of evolutionary element. In fact, he fails completely when he questions ‘who made God’ rather than from what did he evolve? Be mindful that evolution is defined by extensive processes through time and not fabrications.
The most fascinating aspect of the rejection of the existence of God by the evolutionist is that the latter’s genetic make up testifies of the existence of God. Allow my imagination to transport your thoughts to a whole new dimension and spectrum that will cripple the strongest link of the evolutionist’s frame of mind. If an evolutionist would consent to a paternal DNA test to be performed by a specialized angel of heaven, the positive result would cause him to not only confess God as His Father but to immediately become an ambassador telling others about the existence of God.
Humanly speaking, the absence of a child’s father in his life does not remove the inherited genes of that parent. If a child denies his father for whatever reason, he nonetheless inherited his father’s feet, mouth, eyes, head shape and behavior including his way of walking, talking etc. You can run from the presence of God but you can’t hide from His inherited image.
Evolution says that every living organism develops from a cell but yet no evolutionist or scientist is able to present any explanation about the origin of the first cell. It takes faith, as I have said before, for an evolutionist to believe in such delusion.
How does evolution explain a rooster who crows at the same time every morning because he is anticipating sunrise, a new born who was not taught to cry for every need, the force of gravity that is not too strong and not too weak to accommodate every living being on planet earth, the precise composition of the invisible gases that make up the air that we breather, the distance of the sun from the earth (any closer we would burn any further we would freeze)? How does evolution explain the uniqueness of our fingerprint even amongst identical twins? This is what’s most striking about fingerprints. If a person burns his finger, the print is impeccably regenerated in his original form. How does evolution explain the fact that out of many adjacent planets only earth is habitable?
If every specie ends itself by becoming a different specie and if man is the last specie in the evolution chain then how does one explain each caterpillar who is still being transformed into a butterfly!@&^$#?
How did the evolutionary process know to stop with the human specie? In other words, why hasn’t any other specie developed from the human race? If you read his Origin of Species from cover to cover you realize that Darwin does not mention any thoughts about this abrupt ending of evolution with the human family.
I have yet to hear anyone shout ‘oh my monkey’ when he is faced with danger, death, or any other helpless situations. All, including evolutionists, atheist, pagans, always say the same three words ‘oh my God.’ Since when was He your God?
The devil counterfeits everything that is endorsed by God including creation.
1) God is manifested through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The devil has his own trinity “Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of (1) the dragon, out of the mouth of (2) the beast and out of the mouth of (3) the false prophet” (Revelation 16:13).
2) God created marriage between a man and a woman but the devil invented marriage between two men, two women.
3) God created sacred music but the devil has counterfeited it with secular music.
4) God commanded man to simplistically maintain his body as he was made in the image of his Maker but Satan has supplied man with the ideas of piercing, make-up, jewelry wearing, and tattoos.
5) God created heavenly stars but the devil invented Hollywood stars.
6) God created a particular day of worship but the devil gave man his own day of worship.
7) God says I am the Author of all life forms while the devil has been teaching man that evolution is the only explanation of all that exist. [He could have said that he is the author of life; but if the devil himself said so it will be much harder of anyone to believe it. He had to disguise himself behind Charles Darwin just as he disguised himself behind the serpent in the garden of Eden]
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 "The one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie, 10 and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved. 11 Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie, 12 that all who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned."
After all, what right do I have to impose religious thoughts upon anyone? First of all, I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God for the salvation of whosoever believes by faith. Secondly, what will an evolutionist lose by accepting God as the Creator of all things? Hell. What would he gain? Eternal life. What would the believers of the theory of evolution gain? I WONDER $#@!%^!$
What right do schools have to openly teach the theory of evolution? He who does not have sufficient faith to believe in God or willfully rejects Him must find a substitute. One must believe in many other things in order to not believe in God. This is the only way God can be ‘sort of’ non-existent in the mind of the evolutionists until, God willing, they can repent of their unbelief.
I would like to close this subject with the following: “Evolutionists theorize that the universe, with all that it contains (space, time, matter and energy), exploded from nothing. This is contrary to the First Law of Thermodynamics. Where did space, time, matter and energy come from in the first place? Thus, for Evolutionists, the ultimate question of Origins remains unsolved. To complicate the Evolutionary position, this original explosion of everything from nothing is unable to explain all of the complexity and fine-tuning in the universe, including cosmic "voids" and "clumps", retrograde motion of the galaxies, etc.” [7]
Charles Darwin may have been the greatest and most widely known false prophet used by the devil to seduce many but one thing remains possible; Darwin may have confessed his sins, repented from all unrighteousness, and accepted Christ as His Lord and Savior which would place him among the saved and not the lost. Remember the thief on the cross who acknowledged the Savior and petitioned for grace which he instantly received.
If you believe in the evolution theory will you remain as such or will acknowledge the God of the universe as He who keeps your heart at regular pace, balances your blood pressure, expands and contracts your lungs for proper breathing, lubricates your joints for mobility, gives your muscle elasticity to control each body part, optimizes your immune system as best defense mechanism against foreign bodies, allows your blood cells to absorb oxygen and many more actions undetected by the limited human brain. It is He who has kept you alive all these years. I challenge any evolutionist/atheist to dare God to prove that He in fact exists. That is one dare He will take to heart.
For those who are interested in any further study of the unproven theories and weaknesses of evolution please follow this link: https://www.strengthsandweaknesses.org/Weaknesses/evol_quotes.htm
Whether you are eating, drinking, singing, preaching, whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God. Live today as if it was the last day you will live for and in Christ.