About Us

Rock Missionary Ministry was founded in 2008 by Obest François who at the time received a divine revelation to institute RMM; it all happened while matriculating in his second year at Oakwood University as a theological student. During that time, He gave RMM equal priority as his ministerial study. He held meeting periodically with the members to keep them alert in prayers and to share different thoughts pertaining to the development of the Ministry. After receiving the inspiration from the Lord to initiate Rock Missionary Ministries, he shared the message with many other students with the intention for them to join him in the implementation of disinterested missionary work as was done by the forefathers of the apostolic church. The banner of the Gospel needed to be, once again, shared with all nations, tongues, tribes and peoples through RMM's faithful deeds.

The year of 2008 was Atlantic hurricane season which was the fourth most costly on record since 1944. It was also the year of disastrous weather in Haiti. Four raging hurricanes had hit the western hemisphere: Hanna, Ike, Gustav and Josephine. The latter wiped out a huge part of Haiti. An estimated 10,000 people across four communities were forced to flee their homes and about 1 million have been displaced throughout the country. The repercussion of these four back to back hurricanes left so many overwhelmed throughout the region particularly in the city of Gonaives.

The compassionate God, whose priority of care is targeted at mankind, looked and saw the air of melancholy that surrounded his most cherished creatures. Thus, He established Rock Missionary Ministries to partake in the propagation of the evangelical message.

In the lobby of Carter Hall at Oakwood University, Obest François was standing and painstakingly watched the devastating News report in the company of other students where the broadcast was revealing the despair of the Haitian population alongside additional cataclysms which were occurring around the globe. The motivation to rapidly carry out God's loving and liberating message with the establishment of RMM was triggered by these unfolding disastrous events. Brother François eulogized the Most High God for the compassionate heart he gave him, the enormous love for the poor, and the tremendous enthusiast to share the good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all those who have not yet received him as their personal Lord and Savior.

Rock Missionary Ministries held its first meeting at the office of New Beginning of Oakwood University on October 17, 2008, with the following former members: Sarah stand, Marry Russell, Silvadnie Quainoo and Obest François. The meeting began with a prayer session which had as purpose for the Lord would reveal them the name of the ministry. After the prayer session, they have concluded that it would be called “Rock Ministry”. They unanimously agreed the ministry would be built upon the Rock of Ages, Christ Jesus, whose method of outreach and teachings they would follow and reproduce under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

In the likeness of Christ, RMM seeks to: (1) proclaim the good news that the Kingdom of the Lord is near (2) provide medical assistance during outreach mission (3) freely give food and clothes (4) build orphanages for the homeless (5) provide various necessary services which shall meet the needs of the poor, the children and the families.

RMM's primary challenge has been the members' lack of integrity and their inability to remain devoted as time elapsed. However, in 2013, God has inspired one of his main servants, Pastor Remy Edouard to be a fervent and zealous leader of Rock Missionary Ministries. Due to his God given technological talent and submission to the tutelage of the Holy Spirit he patiently built the Ministry’s website. Though his ministry, the gospel of Jesus Christ can be propagated not just from person to person but also via the worldwide web.

In August 2013, Rock Missionary Ministry made its first Missionary trip to Borgne Haiti with a mission staff composed of Ministers, Bible Workers, Doctor and Nurses. Rock Missionary Ministries utmost endeavor is to globally reach God’s people.

RM Ministries is determined to improve the lives of people throughout the world particularly in Haiti. We focus on supporting families, promoting health, providing water and shelter, establishing livelihoods, and responding to emergencies. We intend to establish a networking environment for the betterment of students within the isolated and impoverished communities. Under the same umbrella, scholarships will be made available for any student unable to afford his or her tuition. Unrestricted technological access shall reach every deprived community. Our focus will also be geared on alphabetizing children and adults while training them with most advanced state-of-the-art digital and analog machinery.

Everyone, especially children and women, has the right to a life of opportunities, the freedom to succeed, and reach out for a better future. We want to meet the needs of a sustainable community structure for the well-being of this generation. All humans have been created equal and each person should be accountable for supporting, as much as possible, those who are in need. Thus, every person has the right to protection and a life free from aggression, sexual exploitation, and all other forms of abuse. During disasters, RMM members and volunteers will rescue, secure, and relocate those affected by floods, earthquakes, and/or hurricanes. We anticipate having evangelistic campaigns year-round as part of our mission. Churches will be built according to demand.

RM Ministries symbolizes integrity, dignity, loyalty, transparency, and sincerity. We are heaven’s ambassadors on earth commissioned to spread the Good News through the Everlasting Word, our responsive love, our deeds through faith and our spiritual gifts. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children, families, and communities to overcome poverty, health issues, and social injustices. We seek to work with the world’s most impoverished people. We serve everyone regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, educational and cultural backgrounds, or religious affiliation. We are an agency seeking to revolutionize the world by the use of the right tools in order that every man, woman, and child can benefit equal treatment undergirded with love and compassion. We believe that responding to those in need will result in life changes and testimonies for the glory of God.

Our Mission

Serving as intercessor for the helpless, making life better for the poor by enhancing their education through technology.

Our Vision

We envision changing society as a whole by empowering others through our prayers to imitate the works and the person of Christ.

Identity Statement

Live for Jesus, Care like Jesus, Talk about Jesus.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near" Matthew 4:17